
  1. Login to your account. 

  2. Select the “create a new class,” button. 

  1. You will be redirected to the class creation page. 

  2. Enter class “basic” details. 

  3. Enter the class name and choose a class category(s). 

  4. Choose class instructor(s). 

  5. Choose class content type “live sessions” or “pre-recorded”. 

  6. Choose class seat count “unlimited” or “limited”. 

  1. Click on the description button to add a class description. 

  2. In the class description tab, upload your class cover Image (1920 X 1080 recommended) and class description. The class description may contain links, images, and video attachments. 

  1. After adding descriptions, Click on the schedule button.

  1. Select the “start date” and “end date”. 

  2. Select “start” time and “end” time. 

  3. Select the session “days”. 

  4. Select Repeating of your live session from “day”, “week” or “month”. 

  1. Enter other class details and publish your class.